Right to Health Care

Access to healthcare for refugees and asylum seekers with or without documentation

Everyone has the right to basic health care from all public hospitals, but basic is a term that is interpreted differently depending on the hospital. Please note that South Africa has a public and a private health system. Accessing health care is generally cheaper in public than in private hospitals. However also in public hospitals you might be charged fees for accessing health care services depending on your annual income and your wage.

If you have a Section 22 Asylum seeker or Section 24 Refugee permit you can go to both private and public hospitals, just remember to bring your permit and you will get help.

If you are not documented, only public hospitals will offer you medical treatment.

Refugees and Asylum seekers, including those without documentation should have equal access to HIV/AIDS treatments (ARV’s).

If you have been denied access to healthcare because of your documentation status, please contact us.