Your child’s right to Education:
- According to the South African Schools Act and the United Nations Convention on the rights of a Child, all children between the ages of 5 and 15 must to attend school.
- No learner can be asked to pay registration fees or advancement of fees in a state school.
- No learner may be refused admission on grounds of language.
- No child can be refused admission if parents cannot afford fees. If you cannot afford to pay fees, the school will give you a form to complete and send to the government for an exemption. **If you need assistance filling out these forms, please contact us.
- No child can be refused admission if they cannot afford school uniform or school books.
- No learner can be refused admission to a school on grounds of race or religion, ethnic, national or social background.
Documents that are needed for admission:
- Copy of birth certificate ( if not available the school must still accept the learner on the condition that a birth certificate will be provided at a latter stage)
- Report or transfer card from previous school (or an affidavit stating why transfer card is not available)
- In the case of undocumented person, school can accept the learner on the condition that documents are produced in reasonable time.